Beta(μ, σ, lower_bound, upper_bound; μσ)

Convenience wrapper for the truncated Beta distribution.

If μσ = true then μ and σ are translated to the parameters of the distribution. Otherwise μ and σ represent the parameters of the distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean or first parameter of the distribution
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation or first parameter of the distribution
  • lower_bound [Type: Real]: truncation lower bound of the distribution
  • upper_bound [Type: Real]: truncation upper bound of the distribution

Keyword Arguments

  • μσ [Type: Bool]: switch whether μ and σ represent the moments of the distribution or their parameters
Beta(μ, σ; μσ)

Convenience wrapper for the Beta distribution.

If μσ = true then μ and σ are translated to the parameters of the distribution. Otherwise μ and σ represent the parameters of the distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean or first parameter of the distribution
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation or first parameter of the distribution

Keyword Arguments

  • μσ [Type: Bool]: switch whether μ and σ represent the moments of the distribution or their parameters
Cauchy(μ, σ, lower_bound, upper_bound)

Convenience wrapper for the truncated Cauchy distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: location,
  • σ [Type: Real]: scale
  • lower_bound [Type: Real]: truncation lower bound of the distribution
  • upper_bound [Type: Real]: truncation upper bound of the distribution
Gamma(μ, σ, lower_bound, upper_bound; μσ)

Convenience wrapper for the truncated Inverse Gamma distribution.

If μσ = true then μ and σ are translated to the parameters of the distribution. Otherwise μ and σ represent the parameters of the distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean or first parameter of the distribution
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation or first parameter of the distribution
  • lower_bound [Type: Real]: truncation lower bound of the distribution
  • upper_bound [Type: Real]: truncation upper bound of the distribution

Keyword Arguments

  • μσ [Type: Bool]: switch whether μ and σ represent the moments of the distribution or their parameters
Gamma(μ, σ; μσ)

Convenience wrapper for the Gamma distribution.

If μσ = true then μ and σ are translated to the parameters of the distribution. Otherwise μ and σ represent the parameters of the distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean or first parameter of the distribution,
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation or first parameter of the distribution

Keyword Arguments

  • μσ [Type: Bool]: switch whether μ and σ represent the moments of the distribution or their parameters
InverseGamma(μ, σ, lower_bound, upper_bound; μσ)

Convenience wrapper for the truncated Inverse Gamma distribution.

If μσ = true then μ and σ are translated to the parameters of the distribution. Otherwise μ and σ represent the parameters of the distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean or first parameter of the distribution
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation or first parameter of the distribution
  • lower_bound [Type: Real]: truncation lower bound of the distribution
  • upper_bound [Type: Real]: truncation upper bound of the distribution

Keyword Arguments

  • μσ [Type: Bool]: switch whether μ and σ represent the moments of the distribution or their parameters
InverseGamma(μ, σ; μσ)

Convenience wrapper for the Inverse Gamma distribution.

If μσ = true then μ and σ are translated to the parameters of the distribution. Otherwise μ and σ represent the parameters of the distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean or first parameter of the distribution
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation or first parameter of the distribution

Keyword Arguments

  • μσ [Type: Bool]: switch whether μ and σ represent the moments of the distribution or their parameters
Normal(μ, σ, lower_bound, upper_bound)

Convenience wrapper for the truncated Normal distribution.


  • μ [Type: Real]: mean of the distribution
  • σ [Type: Real]: standard deviation of the distribution
  • lower_bound [Type: Real]: truncation lower bound of the distribution
  • upper_bound [Type: Real]: truncation upper bound of the distribution

Return the autocorrelations of endogenous variables using the first, pruned second, or pruned third order perturbation solution.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


Keyword Arguments

  • autocorrelation_periods [Default: 1:5, Type: UnitRange{Int}]: periods for which to return the autocorrelation
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows and autocorrelation periods in columns.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Autocorrelation_periods ∈ 5-element UnitRange{Int64}
And data, 4×5 Matrix{Float64}:
        (1)         (2)         (3)         (4)         (5)
  (:c)    0.966974    0.927263    0.887643    0.849409    0.812761
  (:k)    0.971015    0.931937    0.892277    0.853876    0.817041
  (:q)    0.32237     0.181562    0.148347    0.136867    0.129944
  (:z)    0.2         0.04        0.008       0.0016      0.00032
get_calibrated_parameters(𝓂; values)

Returns the parameters (and optionally the values) which are determined by a calibration equation.


Keyword Arguments

  • values [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return the values together with the parameter names.


  • Vector{String} of the calibrated parameters or Vector{Pair{String, Float64}} of the calibrated parameters and values if values is set to true.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
1-element Vector{String}:

Returns the parameters used in calibration equations which are not used in the equations of the model (see capital_to_output in Examples).



  • Vector{String} of the parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
1-element Vector{String}:

Return the calibration equations declared in the @parameters block. Calibration equations are additional equations which are part of the non-stochastic steady state problem. The additional equation is matched with a calibated parameter which is part of the equations declared in the @model block and can be retrieved with: get_calibrated_parameters

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed equations (see loop over shocks in example).

Note that the ouput assumes the equations are equal to 0. As in, k / (q * 4) - capital_to_output implies k / (q * 4) - capital_to_output = 0 and therefore: k / (q * 4) = capital_to_output.



  • Vector{String} of the calibration equations.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
1-element Vector{String}:
 "k / (q * 4) - capital_to_output"

Return the conditional forecast given restrictions on endogenous variables and shocks (optional). By default, the values represent absolute deviations from the relevant steady state (see levels for details). The non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) is relevant for first order solutions and the stochastic steady state for higher order solutions. A constrained minimisation problem is solved to find the combination of shocks with the smallest squared magnitude fulfilling the conditions.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • conditions [Type: Union{Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}, KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, KeyedArray{Float64}}]: conditions for which to find the corresponding shocks. The input can have multiple formats, but for all types of entries the first dimension corresponds to variables and the second dimension to the number of periods. The conditions can be specified using a matrix of type Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}. In this case the conditions are matrix elements of type Float64 and all remaining (free) entries are nothing. You can also use a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input. In this case only non-zero elements are taken as conditions. Note that you cannot condition variables to be zero using a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input (use other input formats to do so). Another possibility to input conditions is by using a KeyedArray. You can use a KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}} where, similar to Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, all entries of type Float64 are recognised as conditions and all other entries have to be nothing. Furthermore, you can specify in the primary axis a subset of variables (of type Symbol or String) for which you specify conditions and all other variables are considered free. The same goes for the case when you use KeyedArray{Float64}} as input, whereas in this case the conditions for the specified variables bind for all periods specified in the KeyedArray, because there are no nothing entries permitted with this type.

Keyword Arguments

  • shocks [Default: nothing, Type: Union{Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}, KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, KeyedArray{Float64}, Nothing}]: known values of shocks. This argument allows the user to include certain shock values. By entering restrictions on the shocks in this way the problem to match the conditions on endogenous variables is restricted to the remaining free shocks in the repective period. The input can have multiple formats, but for all types of entries the first dimension corresponds to shocks and the second dimension to the number of periods. shocks can be specified using a matrix of type Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}. In this case the shocks are matrix elements of type Float64 and all remaining (free) entries are nothing. You can also use a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input. In this case only non-zero elements are taken as certain shock values. Note that you cannot condition shocks to be zero using a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input (use other input formats to do so). Another possibility to input known shocks is by using a KeyedArray. You can use a KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}} where, similar to Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, all entries of type Float64 are recognised as known shocks and all other entries have to be nothing. Furthermore, you can specify in the primary axis a subset of shocks (of type Symbol or String) for which you specify values and all other shocks are considered free. The same goes for the case when you use KeyedArray{Float64}} as input, whereas in this case the values for the specified shocks bind for all periods specified in the KeyedArray, because there are no nothing entries permitted with this type.
  • initial_state [Default: [0.0], Type: Union{Vector{Vector{Float64}},Vector{Float64}}]: The initial state defines the starting point for the model. In the case of pruned solution algorithms the initial state can be given as multiple state vectors (Vector{Vector{Float64}}). In this case the initial state must be given in deviations from the non-stochastic steady state. In all other cases the initial state must be given in levels. If a pruned solution algorithm is selected and initial_state is a Vector{Float64} then it impacts the first order initial state vector only. The state includes all variables as well as exogenous variables in leads or lags if present. get_irf(𝓂, shocks = :none, variables = :all, periods = 1) returns a KeyedArray with all variables.
  • periods [Default: 40, Type: Int]: the total number of periods is the sum of the argument provided here and the maximum of periods of the shocks or conditions argument.
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • conditions_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the conditions are provided in levels. If true the input to the conditions argument will have the non-stochastic steady state substracted.
  • levels [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return levels or absolute deviations from the relevant steady state corresponding to the solution algorithm (e.g. stochastic steady state for higher order solution algorithms).
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables and shocks in rows, and periods in columns.


using MacroModelling
using SparseArrays, AxisKeys

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005

# c is conditioned to deviate by 0.01 in period 1 and y is conditioned to deviate by 0.02 in period 2
conditions = KeyedArray(Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,2,2),Variables = [:c,:y], Periods = 1:2)
conditions[1,1] = .01
conditions[2,2] = .02

# in period 2 second shock (eps_z) is conditioned to take a value of 0.05
shocks = Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,2,1)
shocks[1,1] = .05

get_conditional_forecast(RBC_CME, conditions, shocks = shocks, conditions_in_levels = false)
# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables_and_shocks ∈ 9-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Periods ∈ 42-element UnitRange{Int64}
And data, 9×42 Matrix{Float64}:
                (1)            (2)           …  (41)            (42)
  (:A)            0.0313639      0.0134792         0.000221372     0.000199235
  (:Pi)           0.000780257    0.00020929       -0.000146071    -0.000140137
  (:R)            0.00117156     0.00031425       -0.000219325    -0.000210417
  (:c)            0.01           0.00600605        0.00213278      0.00203751
  (:k)            0.034584       0.0477482   …     0.0397631       0.0380482
  (:y)            0.0446375      0.02              0.00129544      0.001222
  (:z_delta)      0.00025        0.000225          3.69522e-6      3.3257e-6
  (:delta_eps)    0.05           0.0               0.0             0.0
  (:eps_z)        4.61234       -2.16887           0.0             0.0

# The same can be achieved with the other input formats:
# conditions = Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,7,2)
# conditions[4,1] = .01
# conditions[6,2] = .02

# using SparseArrays
# conditions = spzeros(7,2)
# conditions[4,1] = .01
# conditions[6,2] = .02

# shocks = KeyedArray(Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,1,1),Variables = [:delta_eps], Periods = [1])
# shocks[1,1] = .05

# using SparseArrays
# shocks = spzeros(2,1)
# shocks[1,1] = .05

Return the conditional variance decomposition of endogenous variables with regards to the shocks using the linearised solution.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


Keyword Arguments

  • periods [Default: [1:20...,Inf], Type: Union{Vector{Int},Vector{Float64},UnitRange{Int64}}]: vector of periods for which to calculate the conditional variance decomposition. If the vector conatins Inf, also the unconditional variance decomposition is calculated (same output as get_variance_decomposition).
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows, shocks in columns, and periods as the third dimension.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005

# output
3-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 7-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Shocks ∈ 2-element Vector{Symbol}
◪   Periods ∈ 21-element Vector{Float64}
And data, 7×2×21 Array{Float64, 3}:
[showing 3 of 21 slices]
[:, :, 1] ~ (:, :, 1.0):
              (:delta_eps)  (:eps_z)
  (:A)         0.0           1.0
  (:Pi)        0.00158668    0.998413
  (:R)         0.00158668    0.998413
  (:c)         0.0277348     0.972265
  (:k)         0.00869568    0.991304
  (:y)         0.0           1.0
  (:z_delta)   1.0           0.0

[:, :, 11] ~ (:, :, 11.0):
              (:delta_eps)  (:eps_z)
  (:A)         5.88653e-32   1.0
  (:Pi)        0.0245641     0.975436
  (:R)         0.0245641     0.975436
  (:c)         0.0175249     0.982475
  (:k)         0.00869568    0.991304
  (:y)         7.63511e-5    0.999924
  (:z_delta)   1.0           0.0

[:, :, 21] ~ (:, :, Inf):
              (:delta_eps)  (:eps_z)
  (:A)         9.6461e-31    1.0
  (:Pi)        0.0156771     0.984323
  (:R)         0.0156771     0.984323
  (:c)         0.0134672     0.986533
  (:k)         0.00869568    0.991304
  (:y)         0.000313462   0.999687
  (:z_delta)   1.0           0.0

Return the correlations of endogenous variables using the first, pruned second, or pruned third order perturbation solution.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows and columns.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   𝑉𝑎𝑟𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒𝑠 ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 4×4 Matrix{Float64}:
        (:c)       (:k)       (:q)       (:z)
  (:c)   1.0        0.999812   0.550168   0.314562
  (:k)   0.999812   1.0        0.533879   0.296104
  (:q)   0.550168   0.533879   1.0        0.965726
  (:z)   0.314562   0.296104   0.965726   1.0

Returns the auxilliary variables, without timing subscripts, part of the augmented system of equations describing the model dynamics. Augmented means that, in case of variables with leads or lags larger than 1, or exogenous shocks with leads or lags, the system is augemented by auxilliary variables containing variables or shocks in lead or lag. Because the original equations included variables with leads or lags certain expression cannot be negative (e.g. given log(c/q) an auxilliary variable is created for c/q).

See get_dynamic_equations for more details on the auxilliary variables and equations.



  • Vector{String} of the auxilliary parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
3-element Vector{String}:

Return the augmented system of equations describing the model dynamics. Augmented means that, in case of variables with leads or lags larger than 1, or exogenous shocks with leads or lags, the system is augemented by auxilliary equations containing variables in lead or lag. The augmented system features only variables which are in the present [0], future [1], or past [-1]. For example, Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-3]) contains k[-3]. By introducing 2 auxilliary variables (kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾ and kᴸ⁽⁻²⁾ with being the lead/lag operator) and augmenting the system (kᴸ⁽⁻²⁾[0] = kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[-1] and kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[0] = k[-1]) we can ensure that the timing is smaller than 1 in absolute terms: Δk_4q[0] - (log(k[0]) - log(kᴸ⁽⁻²⁾[-1])).

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed equations (see loop over shocks in example).

Note that the ouput assumes the equations are equal to 0. As in, kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[0] - k[-1] implies kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[0] - k[-1] = 0 and therefore: kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[0] = k[-1].



  • Vector{String} of the dynamic model equations.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
12-element Vector{String}:
 "1 / c[0] - (β / c[1]) * (α * ex" ⋯ 25 bytes ⋯ " - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))"
 "(c[0] + k[0]) - ((1 - exp(z{δ}[0]) * δ) * k[-1] + q[0])"
 "q[0] - exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1] ^ α"
 "eps_news{TFP}[0] - eps_news{TFP}[x]"
 "z{TFP}[0] - (ρ{TFP} * z{TFP}[-1] + σ{TFP} * (eps{TFP}[x] + eps_news{TFP}[-1]))"
 "eps_news{δ}[0] - eps_news{δ}[x]"
 "z{δ}[0] - (ρ{δ} * z{δ}[-1] + σ{δ} * (eps{δ}[x] + eps_news{δ}[-1]))"
 "Δc_share[0] - (log(c[0] / q[0]) - log(c[-1] / q[-1]))"
 "kᴸ⁽⁻³⁾[0] - kᴸ⁽⁻²⁾[-1]"
 "kᴸ⁽⁻²⁾[0] - kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[-1]"
 "kᴸ⁽⁻¹⁾[0] - k[-1]"
 "Δk_4q[0] - (log(k[0]) - log(kᴸ⁽⁻³⁾[-1]))"

Return the equations of the model. In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed equations (see loop over shocks in Examples).



  • Vector{String} of the parsed equations.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
7-element Vector{String}:
 "1 / c[0] = (β / c[1]) * (α * ex" ⋯ 25 bytes ⋯ " - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))"
 "c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0]) * δ) * k[-1] + q[0]"
 "q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1] ^ α"
 "z{TFP}[0] = ρ{TFP} * z{TFP}[-1]" ⋯ 18 bytes ⋯ "TFP}[x] + eps_news{TFP}[x - 1])"
 "z{δ}[0] = ρ{δ} * z{δ}[-1] + σ{δ} * (eps{δ}[x] + eps_news{δ}[x - 1])"
 "Δc_share[0] = log(c[0] / q[0]) - log(c[-1] / q[-1])"
 "Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])"

Return the estimated shocks based on the inversion filter (depending on the filter keyword argument), or Kalman filter or smoother (depending on the smooth keyword argument) using the provided data and (non-)linear solution of the model. Data is by default assumed to be in levels unless data_in_levels is set to false.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • data [Type: KeyedArray]: data matrix with variables (String or Symbol) in rows and time in columns

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • filter [Default: :kalman, Type: Symbol]: filter used to compute the variables, and shocks given the data, model, and parameters. The Kalman filter only works for linear problems, whereas the inversion filter (:inversion) works for linear and nonlinear models. If a nonlinear solution algorithm is selected, the inversion filter is used.
  • data_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the data is provided in levels. If true the input to the data argument will have the non stochastic steady state substracted.
  • smooth [Default: true, Type: Bool]: whether to return smoothed (true) or filtered (false) shocks/variables. Only works for the Kalman filter. The inversion filter only returns filtered shocks/variables.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with shocks in rows, and periods in columns.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

simulation = simulate(RBC)

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Shocks ∈ 1-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Periods ∈ 40-element UnitRange{Int64}
And data, 1×40 Matrix{Float64}:
               (1)          (2)         (3)         (4)         …  (37)         (38)        (39)         (40)
  (:eps_z₍ₓ₎)    0.0603617    0.614652   -0.519048    0.711454       -0.873774     1.27918    -0.929701    -0.2255

Return the standard deviations of the Kalman smoother or filter (depending on the smooth keyword argument) estimates of the model variables based on the provided data and first order solution of the model. Data is by default assumed to be in levels unless data_in_levels is set to false.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • data [Type: KeyedArray]: data matrix with variables (String or Symbol) in rows and time in columns

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • data_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the data is provided in levels. If true the input to the data argument will have the non stochastic steady state substracted.
  • smooth [Default: true, Type: Bool]: whether to return smoothed (true) or filtered (false) shocks/variables. Only works for the Kalman filter. The inversion filter only returns filtered shocks/variables.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with standard deviations in rows, and periods in columns.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

simulation = simulate(RBC)

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Standard_deviations ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Periods ∈ 40-element UnitRange{Int64}
And data, 4×40 Matrix{Float64}:
        (1)           (2)            (3)            (4)            …  (38)            (39)            (40)
  (:c)    1.23202e-9    1.84069e-10    8.23181e-11    8.23181e-11        8.23181e-11     8.23181e-11     0.0
  (:k)    0.00509299    0.000382934    2.87922e-5     2.16484e-6         1.6131e-9       9.31323e-10     1.47255e-9
  (:q)    0.0612887     0.0046082      0.000346483    2.60515e-5         1.31709e-9      1.31709e-9      9.31323e-10
  (:z)    0.00961766    0.000723136    5.43714e-5     4.0881e-6          3.08006e-10     3.29272e-10     2.32831e-10

Return the estimated variables (in levels by default, see levels keyword argument) based on the inversion filter (depending on the filter keyword argument), or Kalman filter or smoother (depending on the smooth keyword argument) using the provided data and (non-)linear solution of the model. Data is by default assumed to be in levels unless data_in_levels is set to false.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • data [Type: KeyedArray]: data matrix with variables (String or Symbol) in rows and time in columns

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • filter [Default: :kalman, Type: Symbol]: filter used to compute the variables, and shocks given the data, model, and parameters. The Kalman filter only works for linear problems, whereas the inversion filter (:inversion) works for linear and nonlinear models. If a nonlinear solution algorithm is selected, the inversion filter is used.
  • data_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the data is provided in levels. If true the input to the data argument will have the non stochastic steady state substracted.
  • levels [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return levels or absolute deviations from the relevant steady state corresponding to the solution algorithm (e.g. stochastic steady state for higher order solution algorithms).
  • smooth [Default: true, Type: Bool]: whether to return smoothed (true) or filtered (false) shocks/variables. Only works for the Kalman filter. The inversion filter only returns filtered shocks/variables.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows, and periods in columns.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

simulation = simulate(RBC)

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Periods ∈ 40-element UnitRange{Int64}
And data, 4×40 Matrix{Float64}:
        (1)           (2)           (3)           (4)          …  (37)          (38)            (39)           (40)
  (:c)    5.92901       5.92797       5.92847       5.92048          5.95845       5.95697         5.95686        5.96173
  (:k)   47.3185       47.3087       47.3125       47.2392          47.6034       47.5969         47.5954        47.6402
  (:q)    6.87159       6.86452       6.87844       6.79352          7.00476       6.9026          6.90727        6.95841
  (:z)   -0.00109471   -0.00208056    4.43613e-5   -0.0123318        0.0162992     0.000445065     0.00119089     0.00863586

Return impulse response functions (IRFs) of the model. By default, the values represent absolute deviations from the relevant steady state (see levels for details). The non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) is relevant for first order solutions and the stochastic steady state for higher order solutions.

If the model contains occasionally binding constraints and ignore_obc = false they are enforced using shocks.


Keyword Arguments

  • periods [Default: 40, Type: Int]: number of periods for which to calculate the output. In case a matrix of shocks was provided, periods defines how many periods after the series of shocks the output continues.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • shocks [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: shocks for which to calculate the IRFs. Inputs can be a shock name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y, or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. :simulate triggers random draws of all shocks (excluding occasionally binding constraints (obc) related shocks). :all_excluding_obc will contain all shocks but not the obc related ones. :all will contain also the obc related shocks. A series of shocks can be passed on using either a Matrix{Float64}, or a KeyedArray{Float64} as input with shocks (Symbol or String) in rows and periods in columns. The period of the simulation will correspond to the length of the input in the period dimension + the number of periods defined in periods. If the series of shocks is input as a KeyedArray{Float64} make sure to name the rows with valid shock names of type Symbol. Any shocks not part of the model will trigger a warning. :none in combination with an initial_state can be used for deterministic simulations.
  • negative_shock [Default: false, Type: Bool]: calculate IRFs for a negative shock.
  • generalised_irf [Default: false, Type: Bool]: calculate generalised IRFs. Relevant for nonlinear (higher order perturbation) solutions only. Reference steady state for deviations is the stochastic steady state. initial_state has no effect on generalised IRFs. Occasionally binding constraint are not respected for generalised IRF.
  • initial_state [Default: [0.0], Type: Union{Vector{Vector{Float64}},Vector{Float64}}]: The initial state defines the starting point for the model. In the case of pruned solution algorithms the initial state can be given as multiple state vectors (Vector{Vector{Float64}}). In this case the initial state must be given in deviations from the non-stochastic steady state. In all other cases the initial state must be given in levels. If a pruned solution algorithm is selected and initial_state is a Vector{Float64} then it impacts the first order initial state vector only. The state includes all variables as well as exogenous variables in leads or lags if present. get_irf(𝓂, shocks = :none, variables = :all, periods = 1) returns a KeyedArray with all variables.
  • levels [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return levels or absolute deviations from the relevant steady state corresponding to the solution algorithm (e.g. stochastic steady state for higher order solution algorithms).
  • shock_size [Default: 1, Type: Real]: affects the size of shocks as long as they are not set to :none.
  • ignore_obc [Default: false, Type: Bool]: solve the model ignoring the occasionally binding constraints.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows, periods in columns, and shocks as the third dimension.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

# output
3-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Periods ∈ 40-element UnitRange{Int64}
◪   Shocks ∈ 1-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 4×40×1 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] ~ (:, :, :eps_z):
        (1)           (2)           …  (39)            (40)
  (:c)    0.00674687    0.00729773        0.00146962      0.00140619
  (:k)    0.0620937     0.0718322         0.0146789       0.0140453
  (:q)    0.0688406     0.0182781         0.00111425      0.00106615
  (:z)    0.01          0.002             2.74878e-29     5.49756e-30

Return impulse response functions (IRFs) of the model. Function to use when differentiating IRFs with repect to parameters.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • parameters [Type: Vector]: Parameter values in alphabetical order (sorted by parameter name).

Keyword Arguments

  • periods [Default: 40, Type: Int]: number of periods for which to calculate the output. In case a matrix of shocks was provided, periods defines how many periods after the series of shocks the output continues.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • shocks [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: shocks for which to calculate the IRFs. Inputs can be a shock name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y, or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. :simulate triggers random draws of all shocks (excluding occasionally binding constraints (obc) related shocks). :all_excluding_obc will contain all shocks but not the obc related ones. :all will contain also the obc related shocks. A series of shocks can be passed on using either a Matrix{Float64}, or a KeyedArray{Float64} as input with shocks (Symbol or String) in rows and periods in columns. The period of the simulation will correspond to the length of the input in the period dimension + the number of periods defined in periods. If the series of shocks is input as a KeyedArray{Float64} make sure to name the rows with valid shock names of type Symbol. Any shocks not part of the model will trigger a warning. :none in combination with an initial_state can be used for deterministic simulations.
  • negative_shock [Default: false, Type: Bool]: calculate IRFs for a negative shock.
  • initial_state [Default: [0.0], Type: Vector{Float64}]: The initial state defines the starting point for the model (in levels, not deviations). The state includes all variables as well as exogenous variables in leads or lags if present. get_irf(𝓂, shocks = :none, variables = :all, periods = 1) returns a KeyedArray with all variables.
  • levels [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return levels or absolute deviations from the relevant steady state corresponding to the solution algorithm (e.g. stochastic steady state for higher order solution algorithms).
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Array{<:AbstractFloat, 3} with variables in rows, periods in columns, and shocks as the third dimension.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

get_irf(RBC, RBC.parameter_values)
# output
4×40×1 Array{Float64, 3}:
[:, :, 1] =
 0.00674687  0.00729773  0.00715114  0.00687615  …  0.00146962   0.00140619
 0.0620937   0.0718322   0.0712153   0.0686381      0.0146789    0.0140453
 0.0688406   0.0182781   0.00797091  0.0057232      0.00111425   0.00106615
 0.01        0.002       0.0004      8.0e-5         2.74878e-29  5.49756e-30

Returns the jump variables of the model. Jump variables occur in the future and not in the past or occur in all three: past, present, and future.

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed variables (see z in example).



  • Vector{String} of the jump variables.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
3-element Vector{String}:

Return the loglikelihood of the model given the data and parameters provided. The loglikelihood is either calculated based on the inversion or the Kalman filter (depending on the filter keyword argument). In case of a nonlinear solution algorithm the inversion filter will be used. The data must be provided as a KeyedArray{Float64} with the names of the variables to be matched in rows and the periods in columns.

This function is differentiable (so far for the Kalman filter only) and can be used in gradient based sampling or optimisation.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • data [Type: KeyedArray]: data matrix with variables (String or Symbol) in rows and time in columns
  • parameter_values [Type: Vector]: Parameter values.

Keyword Arguments

  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • filter [Default: :kalman, Type: Symbol]: filter used to compute the variables, and shocks given the data, model, and parameters. The Kalman filter only works for linear problems, whereas the inversion filter (:inversion) works for linear and nonlinear models. If a nonlinear solution algorithm is selected, the inversion filter is used.
  • presample_periods [Default: 0, Type: Int]: periods at the beginning of the data for which the loglikelihood is discarded.
  • initial_covariance [Default: :theoretical, Type: Symbol]: defines the method to initialise the Kalman filters covariance matrix. It can be initialised with the theoretical long run values (option :theoretical) or large values (10.0) along the diagonal (option :diagonal).
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • <:AbstractFloat loglikelihood


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

simulated_data = simulate(RBC)

get_loglikelihood(RBC, simulated_data([:k], :, :simulate), RBC.parameter_values)
# output

Return the first and second moments of endogenous variables using the first, pruned second, or pruned third order perturbation solution. By default returns: non stochastic steady state (NSSS), and standard deviations, but can optionally return variances, and covariance matrix. Derivatives of the moments (except for covariance) can also be provided by setting derivatives to true.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • non_stochastic_steady_state [Default: true, Type: Bool]: switch to return SS of endogenous variables
  • mean [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to return mean of endogenous variables (the mean for the linearised solutoin is the NSSS)
  • standard_deviation [Default: true, Type: Bool]: switch to return standard deviation of endogenous variables
  • variance [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to return variance of endogenous variables
  • covariance [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to return covariance matrix of endogenous variables
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • derivatives [Default: true, Type: Bool]: calculate derivatives with respect to the parameters.
  • parameter_derivatives [Default: :all]: parameters for which to calculate partial derivatives. Inputs can be a parameter name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :alpha, or "alpha"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. :all will include all parameters.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Dict{Symbol,KeyedArray} containing the selected moments. All moments have variables as rows and the moment as the first column followed by partial derivatives wrt parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

moments = get_moments(RBC);

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Steady_state_and_∂steady_state∂parameter ∈ 6-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 4×6 Matrix{Float64}:
        (:Steady_state)  (:std_z)  (:ρ)     (:δ)      (:α)       (:β)
  (:c)   5.93625          0.0       0.0   -116.072    55.786     76.1014
  (:k)  47.3903           0.0       0.0  -1304.95    555.264   1445.93
  (:q)   6.88406          0.0       0.0    -94.7805   66.8912   105.02
  (:z)   0.0              0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0        0.0
# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Standard_deviation_and_∂standard_deviation∂parameter ∈ 6-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 4×6 Matrix{Float64}:
        (:Standard_deviation)  (:std_z)  …  (:δ)       (:α)       (:β)
  (:c)   0.0266642              2.66642     -0.384359   0.2626     0.144789
  (:k)   0.264677              26.4677      -5.74194    2.99332    6.30323
  (:q)   0.0739325              7.39325     -0.974722   0.726551   1.08
  (:z)   0.0102062              1.02062      0.0        0.0        0.0

Calculate the residuals of the non-stochastic steady state equations of the model for a given set of values. Values not provided, will be filled with the non-stochastic steady state values corresponding to the current parameters.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • values [Type: Union{Vector{Float64}, Dict{Symbol, Float64}, Dict{String, Float64}, KeyedArray{Float64, 1}}]: A Vector, Dict, or KeyedArray containing the values of the variables and calibrated parameters in the non-stochastic steady state equations (including calibration equations).

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray containing the absolute values of the residuals of the non-stochastic steady state equations.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    k[ss] / q[ss] = 2.5 | α
    β = 0.95

steady_state = SS(RBC, derivatives = false)

get_non_stochastic_steady_state_residuals(RBC, steady_state)
# output
1-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Equation ∈ 5-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 5-element Vector{Float64}:
 (:Equation₁)             0.0
 (:Equation₂)             0.0
 (:Equation₃)             0.0
 (:Equation₄)             0.0
 (:CalibrationEquation₁)  0.0

get_non_stochastic_steady_state_residuals(RBC, [1.1641597, 3.0635781, 1.2254312, 0.0, 0.18157895])
# output
1-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Equation ∈ 5-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 5-element Vector{Float64}:
 (:Equation₁)             2.7360991250446887e-10
 (:Equation₂)             6.199999980083248e-8
 (:Equation₃)             2.7897102183871425e-8
 (:Equation₄)             0.0
 (:CalibrationEquation₁)  8.160392850342646e-8

Returns the auxilliary variables, without timing subscripts, added to the non-stochastic steady state problem because certain expression cannot be negative (e.g. given log(c/q) an auxilliary variable is created for c/q).

See get_steady_state_equations for more details on the auxilliary variables and equations.



  • Vector{String} of the auxilliary parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
2-element Vector{String}:
get_parameters(𝓂; values)

Returns the parameters (and optionally the values) which have an impact on the model dynamics but do not depend on other parameters and are not determined by calibration equations.

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed parameters (see σ in Examples).


Keyword Arguments

  • values [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return the values together with the parameter names.


  • Vector{String} of the parameters or Vector{Pair{String, Float64}} of parameters and values if values is set to true.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
7-element Vector{String}:

Returns the parameters which are defined by other parameters which are not necessarily used in the equations of the model (see α in Examples).



  • Vector{String} of the parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
1-element Vector{String}:

Returns the parameters which define other parameters in the @parameters block which are not necessarily used in the equations of the model (see alpha in Examples).



  • Vector{String} of the parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
1-element Vector{String}:

Returns the parameters contained in the model equations. Note that these parameters might be determined by other parameters or calibration equations defined in the @parameters block.

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed parameters (see σ in Examples).



  • Vector{String} of the parameters.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
7-element Vector{String}:

Return the shock decomposition in absolute deviations from the relevant steady state. The non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) is relevant for first order solutions and the stochastic steady state for higher order solutions. The deviations are based on the Kalman smoother or filter (depending on the smooth keyword argument) or inversion filter using the provided data and solution of the model. Data is by default assumed to be in levels unless data_in_levels is set to false.

In case of pruned second and pruned third order perturbation algorithms the decomposition additionally contains a term Nonlinearities. This term represents the nonlinear interaction between the states in the periods after the shocks arrived and in the case of pruned third order, the interaciton between (pruned second order) states and contemporaneous shocks.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • data [Type: KeyedArray]: data matrix with variables (String or Symbol) in rows and time in columns

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • filter [Default: :kalman, Type: Symbol]: filter used to compute the variables, and shocks given the data, model, and parameters. The Kalman filter only works for linear problems, whereas the inversion filter (:inversion) works for linear and nonlinear models. If a nonlinear solution algorithm is selected, the inversion filter is used.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • data_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the data is provided in levels. If true the input to the data argument will have the non stochastic steady state substracted.
  • smooth [Default: true, Type: Bool]: whether to return smoothed (true) or filtered (false) shocks/variables. Only works for the Kalman filter. The inversion filter only returns filtered shocks/variables.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows, shocks in columns, and periods as the third dimension.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

simulation = simulate(RBC)

# output
3-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Shocks ∈ 2-element Vector{Symbol}
◪   Periods ∈ 40-element UnitRange{Int64}
And data, 4×2×40 Array{Float64, 3}:
[showing 3 of 40 slices]
[:, :, 1] ~ (:, :, 1):
        (:eps_z₍ₓ₎)   (:Initial_values)
  (:c)   0.000407252  -0.00104779
  (:k)   0.00374808   -0.0104645
  (:q)   0.00415533   -0.000807161
  (:z)   0.000603617  -1.99957e-6

[:, :, 21] ~ (:, :, 21):
        (:eps_z₍ₓ₎)  (:Initial_values)
  (:c)   0.026511    -0.000433619
  (:k)   0.25684     -0.00433108
  (:q)   0.115858    -0.000328764
  (:z)   0.0150266    0.0

[:, :, 40] ~ (:, :, 40):
        (:eps_z₍ₓ₎)  (:Initial_values)
  (:c)   0.0437976   -0.000187505
  (:k)   0.4394      -0.00187284
  (:q)   0.00985518  -0.000142164
  (:z)  -0.00366442   8.67362e-19

Returns the exogenous shocks.

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed variables (see eps in example).



  • Vector{String} of the exogenous shocks.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
4-element Vector{String}:

Return the solution of the model. In the linear case it returns the the non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) followed by the linearised solution of the model. In the nonlinear case (higher order perturbation) the function returns a multidimensional array with the endogenous variables as the second dimension and the state variables, shocks, and perturbation parameter (:Volatility) as the other dimensions.

The values of the output represent the NSSS in the case of a linear solution and below it the effect that deviations from the NSSS of the respective past states, shocks, and perturbation parameter have (perturbation parameter = 1) on the present value (NSSS deviation) of the model variables.


Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray shows as columns the endogenous variables inlcuding the auxilliary endogenous and exogenous variables (due to leads and lags > 1). The rows and other dimensions (depending on the chosen perturbation order) include the NSSS for the linear case only, followed by the states, and exogenous shocks. Subscripts following variable names indicate the timing (e.g. variable₍₋₁₎ indicates the variable being in the past). Superscripts indicate leads or lags (e.g. variableᴸ⁽²⁾ indicates the variable being in lead by two periods). If no super- or subscripts follow the variable name, the variable is in the present.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Steady_state__States__Shocks ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Variables ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 4×4 adjoint(::Matrix{Float64}) with eltype Float64:
                   (:c)         (:k)        (:q)        (:z)
  (:Steady_state)   5.93625     47.3903      6.88406     0.0
  (:k₍₋₁₎)          0.0957964    0.956835    0.0726316  -0.0
  (:z₍₋₁₎)          0.134937     1.24187     1.37681     0.2
  (:eps_z₍ₓ₎)       0.00674687   0.0620937   0.0688406   0.01

Return the components of the solution of the model: non-stochastic steady state (NSSS), and solution martrices corresponding to the order of the solution. Note that all returned objects have the variables in rows and the solution matrices have as columns the state variables followed by the perturbation/volatility parameter for higher order solution matrices and lastly the exogenous shocks. Higher order perturbation matrices are sparse and have the Kronecker product of the forementioned elements as columns. The last element, a Boolean indicates whether the solution is numerically accurate. Function to use when differentiating IRFs with repect to parameters.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.

Keyword Arguments

  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Tuple consisting of a Vector containing the NSSS, followed by a Matrix containing the first order solution matrix. In case of higher order solutions, SparseMatrixCSC represent the higher order solution matrices. The last element is a Bool indicating the correctness of the solution provided.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

get_solution(RBC, RBC.parameter_values)
# output
([5.936252888048724, 47.39025414828808, 6.884057971014486, 0.0], 
 [0.09579643002421227 0.1349373930517757 0.006746869652588215; 
  0.9568351489231555 1.241874201151121 0.06209371005755664; 
  0.07263157894736819 1.376811594202897 0.06884057971014486; 
  0.0 0.19999999999999998 0.01], true)

Returns the state variables of the model. State variables occur in the past and not in the future or occur in all three: past, present, and future.

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed variables (see z in example).



  • Vector{String} of the state variables.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
10-element Vector{String}:

Return the first and second moments of endogenous variables using either the linearised solution or the pruned second or pruned third order perturbation solution. By default returns a Dict with: non stochastic steady state (NSSS), and standard deviations, but can also return variances, and covariance matrix. Function to use when differentiating model moments with repect to parameters.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • parameter_values [Type: Vector]: Parameter values. If parameter_names is not explicitly defined, parameter_values are assumed to correspond to the parameters and the order of the parameters declared in the @parameters block.

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Type: Vector{Symbol}]: Corresponding names in the same order as parameter_values.
  • non_stochastic_steady_state [Default: Symbol[], Type: Union{Symbol_input,String_input}]: variables for which to show the NSSS of selected variables. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • mean [Default: Symbol[], Type: Union{Symbol_input,String_input}]: variables for which to show the mean of selected variables (the mean for the linearised solution is the NSSS). Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • standard_deviation [Default: Symbol[], Type: Union{Symbol_input,String_input}]: variables for which to show the standard deviation of selected variables. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • variance [Default: Symbol[], Type: Union{Symbol_input,String_input}]: variables for which to show the variance of selected variables. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • covariance [Default: Symbol[], Type: Union{Symbol_input,String_input}]: variables for which to show the covariance of selected variables. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • autocorrelation [Default: Symbol[], Type: Union{Symbol_input,String_input}]: variables for which to show the autocorrelation of selected variables. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • autocorrelation_periods [Default: 1:5, Type = UnitRange{Int}]: periods for which to return the autocorrelation of selected variables
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Dict with the name of the statistics and the corresponding vectors (NSSS, mean, standard deviation, variance) or matrices (covariance, autocorrelation).


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

get_statistics(RBC, RBC.parameter_values, parameters = RBC.parameters, standard_deviation = RBC.var)
# output
Dict{Symbol, AbstractArray{Float64}} with 1 entry:
  :standard_deviation => [0.0266642, 0.264677, 0.0739325, 0.0102062]

Return the (non-stochastic) steady state, calibrated parameters, and derivatives with respect to model parameters.


Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • derivatives [Default: true, Type: Bool]: calculate derivatives with respect to the parameters.
  • parameter_derivatives [Default: :all]: parameters for which to calculate partial derivatives. Inputs can be a parameter name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :alpha, or "alpha"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. :all will include all parameters.
  • stochastic [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return stochastic steady state using second order perturbation if no other higher order perturbation algorithm is provided in algorithm.
  • return_variables_only [Defaut: false, Type: Bool]: return only variables and not calibrated parameters.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows. The columns show the (non-stochastic) steady state and parameters for which derivatives are taken.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables_and_calibrated_parameters ∈ 4-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Steady_state_and_∂steady_state∂parameter ∈ 6-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 4×6 Matrix{Float64}:
        (:Steady_state)  (:std_z)  (:ρ)     (:δ)      (:α)       (:β)
  (:c)   5.93625          0.0       0.0   -116.072    55.786     76.1014
  (:k)  47.3903           0.0       0.0  -1304.95    555.264   1445.93
  (:q)   6.88406          0.0       0.0    -94.7805   66.8912   105.02
  (:z)   0.0              0.0       0.0      0.0       0.0        0.0

Return the non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) equations of the model. The difference to the equations as they were written in the @model block is that exogenous shocks are set to 0, time subscripts are eliminated (e.g. c[-1] becomes c), trivial simplifications are carried out (e.g. log(k) - log(k) = 0), and auxilliary variables are added for expressions that cannot become negative.

Auxilliary variables facilitate the solution of the NSSS problem. The package substitutes expressions which cannot become negative with auxilliary variables and adds another equation to the system of equations determining the NSSS. For example, log(c/q) cannot be negative and c/q is substituted by an auxilliary varaible ➕₁ and an additional equation is added: ➕₁ = c / q.

Note that the ouput assumes the equations are equal to 0. As in, -z{δ} * ρ{δ} + z{δ} implies -z{δ} * ρ{δ} + z{δ} = 0 and therefore: z{δ} * ρ{δ} = z{δ}.



  • Vector{String} of the NSSS equations.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
9-element Vector{String}:
 "(-β * ((k ^ (α - 1) * α * exp(z{TFP}) - δ * exp(z{δ})) + 1)) / c + 1 / c"
 "((c - k * (-δ * exp(z{δ}) + 1)) + k) - q"
 "-(k ^ α) * exp(z{TFP}) + q"
 "-z{TFP} * ρ{TFP} + z{TFP}"
 "-z{δ} * ρ{δ} + z{δ}"
 "➕₁ - c / q"
 "➕₂ - c / q"
 "(Δc_share - log(➕₁)) + log(➕₂)"
 "Δk_4q - 0"

Returns the variables of the model without timing subscripts and not including auxilliary variables.

In case programmatic model writing was used this function returns the parsed variables (see z in Examples).



  • Vector{String} of the variables.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z{TFP}[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - exp(z{δ}[1]) * δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - exp(z{δ}[0])δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z{TFP}[0]) * k[-1]^α
    for shock in [TFP, δ]
        z{shock}[0] = ρ{shock} * z{shock}[-1] + σ{shock} * (eps{shock}[x] + eps_news{shock}[x-1])
    Δc_share[0] = log(c[0]/q[0]) - log(c[-1]/q[-1])
    Δk_4q[0] = log(k[0]) - log(k[-4])

@parameters RBC begin
    σ = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    capital_to_output = 1.5
    k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = capital_to_output | δ
    alpha = .5
    α = alpha
    β = 0.95

# output
7-element Vector{String}:

Return the variance decomposition of endogenous variables with regards to the shocks using the linearised solution.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • KeyedArray with variables in rows, and shocks in columns.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005

# output
2-dimensional KeyedArray(NamedDimsArray(...)) with keys:
↓   Variables ∈ 7-element Vector{Symbol}
→   Shocks ∈ 2-element Vector{Symbol}
And data, 7×2 Matrix{Float64}:
              (:delta_eps)  (:eps_z)
  (:A)         9.78485e-31   1.0
  (:Pi)        0.0156771     0.984323
  (:R)         0.0156771     0.984323
  (:c)         0.0134672     0.986533
  (:k)         0.00869568    0.991304
  (:y)         0.000313462   0.999687
  (:z_delta)   1.0           0.0

Plot the conditional forecast given restrictions on endogenous variables and shocks (optional). By default, the values represent absolute deviations from the relevant steady state (see levels for details). The non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) is relevant for first order solutions and the stochastic steady state for higher order solutions. A constrained minimisation problem is solved to find the combination of shocks with the smallest squared magnitude fulfilling the conditions.

The left axis shows the level, and the right axis the deviation from the relevant steady state. The horizontal black line indicates the relevant steady state. Variable names are above the subplots and the title provides information about the model, shocks and number of pages per shock.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • conditions [Type: Union{Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}, KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, KeyedArray{Float64}}]: conditions for which to find the corresponding shocks. The input can have multiple formats, but for all types of entries the first dimension corresponds to variables and the second dimension to the number of periods. The conditions can be specified using a matrix of type Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}. In this case the conditions are matrix elements of type Float64 and all remaining (free) entries are nothing. You can also use a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input. In this case only non-zero elements are taken as conditions. Note that you cannot condition variables to be zero using a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input (use other input formats to do so). Another possibility to input conditions is by using a KeyedArray. You can use a KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}} where, similar to Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, all entries of type Float64 are recognised as conditions and all other entries have to be nothing. Furthermore, you can specify in the primary axis a subset of variables (of type Symbol or String) for which you specify conditions and all other variables are considered free. The same goes for the case when you use KeyedArray{Float64}} as input, whereas in this case the conditions for the specified variables bind for all periods specified in the KeyedArray, because there are no nothing entries permitted with this type.

Keyword Arguments

  • shocks [Default: nothing, Type: Union{Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, SparseMatrixCSC{Float64}, KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, KeyedArray{Float64}, Nothing}]: known values of shocks. This argument allows the user to include certain shock values. By entering restrictions on the shocks in this way the problem to match the conditions on endogenous variables is restricted to the remaining free shocks in the repective period. The input can have multiple formats, but for all types of entries the first dimension corresponds to shocks and the second dimension to the number of periods. shocks can be specified using a matrix of type Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}. In this case the shocks are matrix elements of type Float64 and all remaining (free) entries are nothing. You can also use a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input. In this case only non-zero elements are taken as certain shock values. Note that you cannot condition shocks to be zero using a SparseMatrixCSC{Float64} as input (use other input formats to do so). Another possibility to input known shocks is by using a KeyedArray. You can use a KeyedArray{Union{Nothing,Float64}} where, similar to Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}, all entries of type Float64 are recognised as known shocks and all other entries have to be nothing. Furthermore, you can specify in the primary axis a subset of shocks (of type Symbol or String) for which you specify values and all other shocks are considered free. The same goes for the case when you use KeyedArray{Float64}} as input, whereas in this case the values for the specified shocks bind for all periods specified in the KeyedArray, because there are no nothing entries permitted with this type.
  • initial_state [Default: [0.0], Type: Union{Vector{Vector{Float64}},Vector{Float64}}]: The initial state defines the starting point for the model. In the case of pruned solution algorithms the initial state can be given as multiple state vectors (Vector{Vector{Float64}}). In this case the initial state must be given in deviations from the non-stochastic steady state. In all other cases the initial state must be given in levels. If a pruned solution algorithm is selected and initial_state is a Vector{Float64} then it impacts the first order initial state vector only. The state includes all variables as well as exogenous variables in leads or lags if present. get_irf(𝓂, shocks = :none, variables = :all, periods = 1) returns a KeyedArray with all variables.
  • periods [Default: 40, Type: Int]: the total number of periods is the sum of the argument provided here and the maximum of periods of the shocks or conditions argument.
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • conditions_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the conditions are provided in levels. If true the input to the conditions argument will have the non-stochastic steady state substracted.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • levels [Default: false, Type: Bool]: return levels or absolute deviations from the relevant steady state corresponding to the solution algorithm (e.g. stochastic steady state for higher order solution algorithms).
  • show_plots [Default: true, Type: Bool]: show plots. Separate plots per shocks and varibles depending on number of variables and plots_per_page.
  • save_plots [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to save plots using path and extension from save_plots_path and save_plots_format. Separate files per shocks and variables depending on number of variables and plots_per_page
  • save_plots_format [Default: :pdf, Type: Symbol]: output format of saved plots. See input formats compatible with GR for valid formats.
  • save_plots_path [Default: pwd(), Type: String]: path where to save plots
  • plots_per_page [Default: 9, Type: Int]: how many plots to show per page
  • plot_attributes [Default: Dict(), Type: Dict]: pass on plot attributes for the top-level plot (see E.g. Dict(:plottitlefontcolor => :red).
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Vector{Plot} of individual plots


using MacroModelling, StatsPlots

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005

# c is conditioned to deviate by 0.01 in period 1 and y is conditioned to deviate by 0.02 in period 3
conditions = KeyedArray(Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,2,2),Variables = [:c,:y], Periods = 1:2)
conditions[1,1] = .01
conditions[2,3] = .02

# in period 2 second shock (eps_z) is conditioned to take a value of 0.05
shocks = Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,2,1)
shocks[1,1] = .05

plot_conditional_forecast(RBC_CME, conditions, shocks = shocks, conditions_in_levels = false)

# The same can be achieved with the other input formats:
# conditions = Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,7,2)
# conditions[4,1] = .01
# conditions[6,2] = .02

# using SparseArrays
# conditions = spzeros(7,2)
# conditions[4,1] = .01
# conditions[6,2] = .02

# shocks = KeyedArray(Matrix{Union{Nothing,Float64}}(undef,1,1),Variables = [:delta_eps], Periods = [1])
# shocks[1,1] = .05

# using SparseArrays
# shocks = spzeros(2,1)
# shocks[1,1] = .05

Plot conditional variance decomposition of the model.

The vertical axis shows the share of the shocks variance contribution, and horizontal axis the period of the variance decomposition. The stacked bars represent each shocks variance contribution at a specific time horizon.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


Keyword Arguments

  • periods [Default: 40, Type: Int]: number of periods for which to calculate the output. In case a matrix of shocks was provided, periods defines how many periods after the series of shocks the output continues.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • show_plots [Default: true, Type: Bool]: show plots. Separate plots per shocks and varibles depending on number of variables and plots_per_page.
  • save_plots [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to save plots using path and extension from save_plots_path and save_plots_format. Separate files per shocks and variables depending on number of variables and plots_per_page
  • save_plots_format [Default: :pdf, Type: Symbol]: output format of saved plots. See input formats compatible with GR for valid formats.
  • save_plots_path [Default: pwd(), Type: String]: path where to save plots
  • plots_per_page [Default: 9, Type: Int]: how many plots to show per page
  • plot_attributes [Default: Dict(), Type: Dict]: pass on plot attributes for the top-level plot (see E.g. Dict(:plottitlefontcolor => :red).
  • max_elements_per_legend_row [Default: 4, Type: Int]: maximum number of elements per legend row. In other words, number of columns in legend.
  • extra_legend_space [Default: 0.0, Type: Float64]: space between the plots and the legend (useful if the plots overlap the legend).
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Vector{Plot} of individual plots


using MacroModelling, StatsPlots

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005


Plot impulse response functions (IRFs) of the model.

The left axis shows the level, and the right axis the deviation from the relevant steady state. The non-stochastic steady state is relevant for first order solutions and the stochastic steady state for higher order solutions. The horizontal black line indicates the relevant steady state. Variable names are above the subplots and the title provides information about the model, shocks and number of pages per shock.

If the model contains occasionally binding constraints and ignore_obc = false they are enforced using shocks.


Keyword Arguments

  • periods [Default: 40, Type: Int]: number of periods for which to calculate the output. In case a matrix of shocks was provided, periods defines how many periods after the series of shocks the output continues.
  • shocks [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: shocks for which to calculate the IRFs. Inputs can be a shock name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y, or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. :simulate triggers random draws of all shocks (excluding occasionally binding constraints (obc) related shocks). :all_excluding_obc will contain all shocks but not the obc related ones. :all will contain also the obc related shocks. A series of shocks can be passed on using either a Matrix{Float64}, or a KeyedArray{Float64} as input with shocks (Symbol or String) in rows and periods in columns. The period of the simulation will correspond to the length of the input in the period dimension + the number of periods defined in periods. If the series of shocks is input as a KeyedArray{Float64} make sure to name the rows with valid shock names of type Symbol. Any shocks not part of the model will trigger a warning. :none in combination with an initial_state can be used for deterministic simulations.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • shock_size [Default: 1, Type: Real]: affects the size of shocks as long as they are not set to :none.
  • negative_shock [Default: false, Type: Bool]: calculate IRFs for a negative shock.
  • generalised_irf [Default: false, Type: Bool]: calculate generalised IRFs. Relevant for nonlinear (higher order perturbation) solutions only. Reference steady state for deviations is the stochastic steady state. initial_state has no effect on generalised IRFs. Occasionally binding constraint are not respected for generalised IRF.
  • initial_state [Default: [0.0], Type: Union{Vector{Vector{Float64}},Vector{Float64}}]: The initial state defines the starting point for the model. In the case of pruned solution algorithms the initial state can be given as multiple state vectors (Vector{Vector{Float64}}). In this case the initial state must be given in deviations from the non-stochastic steady state. In all other cases the initial state must be given in levels. If a pruned solution algorithm is selected and initial_state is a Vector{Float64} then it impacts the first order initial state vector only. The state includes all variables as well as exogenous variables in leads or lags if present. get_irf(𝓂, shocks = :none, variables = :all, periods = 1) returns a KeyedArray with all variables.
  • ignore_obc [Default: false, Type: Bool]: solve the model ignoring the occasionally binding constraints.
  • show_plots [Default: true, Type: Bool]: show plots. Separate plots per shocks and varibles depending on number of variables and plots_per_page.
  • save_plots [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to save plots using path and extension from save_plots_path and save_plots_format. Separate files per shocks and variables depending on number of variables and plots_per_page
  • save_plots_format [Default: :pdf, Type: Symbol]: output format of saved plots. See input formats compatible with GR for valid formats.
  • save_plots_path [Default: pwd(), Type: String]: path where to save plots
  • plots_per_page [Default: 9, Type: Int]: how many plots to show per page
  • plot_attributes [Default: Dict(), Type: Dict]: pass on plot attributes for the top-level plot (see E.g. Dict(:plottitlefontcolor => :red).
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Vector{Plot} of individual plots


using MacroModelling, StatsPlots

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95


Plot model estimates of the variables given the data. The default plot shows the estimated variables, shocks, and the data underlying the estimates. The estimates are based on the Kalman smoother or filter (depending on the smooth keyword argument) or inversion filter using the provided data and solution of the model.

The left axis shows the level, and the right the deviation from the relevant steady state. The non-stochastic steady state (NSSS) is relevant for first order solutions and the stochastic steady state for higher order solutions. The horizontal black line indicates the relevant steady state. Variable names are above the subplots and the title provides information about the model, shocks, and number of pages per shock. In case shock_decomposition = true, the plot shows the variables, shocks, and data in absolute deviations from the relevant steady state as a stacked bar chart per period.

For higher order perturbation solutions the decomposition additionally contains a term Nonlinearities. This term represents the nonlinear interaction between the states in the periods after the shocks arrived and in the case of pruned third order, the interaciton between (pruned second order) states and contemporaneous shocks.

If occasionally binding constraints are present in the model, they are not taken into account here.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • data [Type: KeyedArray]: data matrix with variables (String or Symbol) in rows and time in columns

Keyword Arguments

  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • filter [Default: :kalman, Type: Symbol]: filter used to compute the variables, and shocks given the data, model, and parameters. The Kalman filter only works for linear problems, whereas the inversion filter (:inversion) works for linear and nonlinear models. If a nonlinear solution algorithm is selected, the inversion filter is used.
  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • shocks [Default: :all]: shocks for which to plot the estimates. Inputs can be either a Symbol (e.g. :y, or :all), Tuple{Symbol, Vararg{Symbol}}, Matrix{Symbol}, or Vector{Symbol}.
  • presample_periods [Default: 0, Type: Int]: periods at the beginning of the data which are not plotted. Useful if you want to filter for all periods but focus only on a certain period later in the sample.
  • data_in_levels [Default: true, Type: Bool]: indicator whether the data is provided in levels. If true the input to the data argument will have the non stochastic steady state substracted.
  • shock_decomposition [Default: false, Type: Bool]: whether to show the contribution of the shocks to the deviations from NSSS for each variable. If false, the plot shows the values of the selected variables, data, and shocks
  • smooth [Default: true, Type: Bool]: whether to return smoothed (true) or filtered (false) shocks/variables. Only works for the Kalman filter. The inversion filter only returns filtered shocks/variables.
  • show_plots [Default: true, Type: Bool]: show plots. Separate plots per shocks and varibles depending on number of variables and plots_per_page.
  • save_plots [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to save plots using path and extension from save_plots_path and save_plots_format. Separate files per shocks and variables depending on number of variables and plots_per_page
  • save_plots_format [Default: :pdf, Type: Symbol]: output format of saved plots. See input formats compatible with GR for valid formats.
  • save_plots_path [Default: pwd(), Type: String]: path where to save plots
  • plots_per_page [Default: 9, Type: Int]: how many plots to show per page
  • transparency [Default: 0.6, Type: Float64]: transparency of bars
  • max_elements_per_legend_row [Default: 4, Type: Int]: maximum number of elements per legend row. In other words, number of columns in legend.
  • extra_legend_space [Default: 0.0, Type: Float64]: space between the plots and the legend (useful if the plots overlap the legend).
  • plot_attributes [Default: Dict(), Type: Dict]: pass on plot attributes for the top-level plot (see E.g. Dict(:plottitlefontcolor => :red).
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Vector{Plot} of individual plots


using MacroModelling, StatsPlots

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005

simulation = simulate(RBC_CME)

plot_model_estimates(RBC_CME, simulation([:k],:,:simulate))

Plot the solution of the model (mapping of past states to present variables) around the relevant steady state (e.g. higher order perturbation algorithms are centered around the stochastic steady state). Each plot shows the relationship between the chosen state (defined in state) and one of the chosen variables (defined in variables).

The relevant steady state is plotted along with the mapping from the chosen past state to one present variable per plot. All other (non-chosen) states remain in the relevant steady state.

In the case of pruned higher order solutions there are as many (latent) state vectors as the perturbation order. The first and third order baseline state vectors are the non stochastic steady state and the second order baseline state vector is the stochastic steady state. Deviations for the chosen state are only added to the first order baseline state. The plot shows the mapping from σ standard deviations (first order) added to the first order non stochastic steady state and the present variables. Note that there is no unique mapping from the "pruned" states and the "actual" reported state. Hence, the plots shown are just one realisation of inifitely many possible mappings.

If the model contains occasionally binding constraints and ignore_obc = false they are enforced using shocks.


  • 𝓂: object created by @model and @parameters.
  • state [Type: Union{Symbol,String}]: state variable to be shown on x-axis.

Keyword Arguments

  • variables [Default: :all_excluding_obc]: variables for which to show the results. Inputs can be a variable name passed on as either a Symbol or String (e.g. :y or "y"), or Tuple, Matrix or Vector of String or Symbol. Any variables not part of the model will trigger a warning. :all_excluding_auxilliary_and_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables and related to occasionally binding constraints (obc). :all_excluding_obc contains all shocks less those related to auxilliary variables. :all will contain all variables.
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol}}]: solution algorithm for which to show the IRFs. Can be more than one, e.g.: [:second_order,:pruned_third_order]"
  • σ [Default: 2, Type: Union{Int64,Float64}]: defines the range of the state variable around the (non) stochastic steady state in standard deviations. E.g. a value of 2 means that the state variable is plotted for values of the (non) stochastic steady state in standard deviations +/- 2 standard deviations.
  • parameters [Default: nothing]: If nothing is provided, the solution is calculated for the parameters defined previously. Acceptable inputs are a Vector of parameter values, a Vector or Tuple of Pairs of the parameter Symbol or String and value. If the new parameter values differ from the previously defined the solution will be recalculated.
  • ignore_obc [Default: false, Type: Bool]: solve the model ignoring the occasionally binding constraints.
  • show_plots [Default: true, Type: Bool]: show plots. Separate plots per shocks and varibles depending on number of variables and plots_per_page.
  • save_plots [Default: false, Type: Bool]: switch to save plots using path and extension from save_plots_path and save_plots_format. Separate files per shocks and variables depending on number of variables and plots_per_page
  • save_plots_format [Default: :pdf, Type: Symbol]: output format of saved plots. See input formats compatible with GR for valid formats.
  • save_plots_path [Default: pwd(), Type: String]: path where to save plots
  • plots_per_page [Default: 6, Type: Int]: how many plots to show per page
  • plot_attributes [Default: Dict(), Type: Dict]: pass on plot attributes for the top-level plot (see E.g. Dict(:plottitlefontcolor => :red).
  • algorithm [Default: :first_order, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve for the dynamics of the model. Available algorithms: :first_order, :second_order, :pruned_second_order, :third_order, :pruned_third_order
  • quadratic_matrix_equation_algorithm [Default: :schur, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve quadratic matrix equation (A * X ^ 2 + B * X + C = 0). Available algorithms: :schur, :doubling
  • sylvester_algorithm [Default: function of size of problem, with smaller problems: :doubling, and larger problems: :bicgstab, Type: Union{Symbol,Vector{Symbol},Tuple{Symbol,Vararg{Symbol}}}]: algorithm to solve Sylvester equation (A * X * B + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :dqgmres, :gmres. Input argument can be up to two elements in a Vector or Tuple. The first (second) element corresponds to the second (third) order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation. If only one element is provided it corresponds to the second order perturbation solutions' Sylvester equation.
  • lyapunov_algorithm [Default: :doubling, Type: Symbol]: algorithm to solve Lyapunov equation (A * X * A' + C = X). Available algorithms: :doubling, :bartels_stewart, :bicgstab, :gmres
  • tol [Default: Tolerances(), Type: Tolerances]: define various tolerances for the algorithm used to solve the model. See documentation of Tolerances for more details: ?Tolerances
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print information about results of the different solvers used to solve the model (non stochastic steady state solver, Sylvester equations, Lyapunov equation, and quadratic matrix equation).


  • Vector{Plot} of individual plots


using MacroModelling, StatsPlots

@model RBC_CME begin
    R[0] * beta =(Pi[0]/Pibar)^phi_pi
    z_delta[0] = 1 - rho_z_delta + rho_z_delta * z_delta[-1] + std_z_delta * delta_eps[x]
    A[0] = 1 - rhoz + rhoz * A[-1]  + std_eps * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_CME begin
    alpha = .157
    beta = .999
    delta = .0226
    Pibar = 1.0008
    phi_pi = 1.5
    rhoz = .9
    std_eps = .0068
    rho_z_delta = .9
    std_z_delta = .005

plot_solution(RBC_CME, :k)

Reads in a dynare .mod-file, adapts the syntax, tries to capture parameter definitions, and writes a julia file in the same folder containing the model equations and parameters in MacroModelling.jl syntax. This function is not guaranteed to produce working code. It's purpose is to make it easier to port a model from dynare to MacroModelling.jl.

The recommended workflow is to use this function to translate a .mod-file, and then adapt the output so that it runs and corresponds to the input.

Note that this function copies the .mod-file to a temporary folder and executes it there. All references within that .mod-file are therefore not valid (because those filesare not copied) and must be made copied into the .mod-file.


  • path_to_mod_file [Type: AbstractString]: path including filename of the .mod-file to be translated

Writes a dynare .mod-file in the current working directory. This function is not guaranteed to produce working code. It's purpose is to make it easier to port a model from MacroModelling.jl to dynare.

The recommended workflow is to use this function to write a .mod-file, and then adapt the output so that it runs and corresponds to the input.



Parses the model equations and assigns them to an object.


  • 𝓂: name of the object to be created containing the model information.
  • ex: equations

Optional arguments to be placed between 𝓂 and ex

  • max_obc_horizon [Default: 40, Type: Int]: maximum length of anticipated shocks and corresponding unconditional forecast horizon over which the occasionally binding constraint is to be enforced. Increase this number if no solution is found to enforce the constraint.

Variables must be defined with their time subscript in square brackets. Endogenous variables can have the following:

  • present: c[0]
  • non-stcohastic steady state: c[ss] instead of ss any of the following is also a valid flag for the non-stochastic steady state: ss, stst, steady, steadystate, steady_state, and the parser is case-insensitive (SS or sTst will work as well).
  • past: c[-1] or any negative Integer: e.g. c[-12]
  • future: c[1] or any positive Integer: e.g. c[16] or c[+16]

Signed integers are recognised and parsed as such.

Exogenous variables (shocks) can have the following:

  • present: eps_z[x] instead of x any of the following is also a valid flag for exogenous variables: ex, exo, exogenous, and the parser is case-insensitive (Ex or exoGenous will work as well).
  • past: eps_z[x-1]
  • future: eps_z[x+1]

Parameters enter the equations without square brackets.

If an equation contains a max or min operator, then the default dynamic (first order) solution of the model will enforce the occasionally binding constraint. You can choose to ignore it by setting ignore_obc = true in the relevant function calls.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

Programmatic model writing

Parameters and variables can be indexed using curly braces: e.g. c{H}[0], eps_z{F}[x], or α{H}.

for loops can be used to write models programmatically. They can either be used to generate expressions where you iterate over the time index or the index in curly braces:

  • generate equation with different indices in curly braces: for co in [H,F] C{co}[0] + X{co}[0] + Z{co}[0] - Z{co}[-1] end = for co in [H,F] Y{co}[0] end
  • generate multiple equations with different indices in curly braces: for co in [H, F] K{co}[0] = (1-delta{co}) * K{co}[-1] + S{co}[0] end
  • generate equation with different time indices: Y_annual[0] = for lag in -3:0 Y[lag] end or R_annual[0] = for operator = :*, lag in -3:0 R[lag] end

Adds parameter values and calibration equations to the previously defined model. Allows to provide an initial guess for the non-stochastic steady state (NSSS).


  • 𝓂: name of the object previously created containing the model information.
  • ex: parameter, parameters values, and calibration equations

Parameters can be defined in either of the following ways:

  • plain number: δ = 0.02
  • expression containing numbers: δ = 1/50
  • expression containing other parameters: δ = 2 * std_z in this case it is irrelevant if std_z is defined before or after. The definitons including other parameters are treated as a system of equaitons and solved accordingly.
  • expressions containing a target parameter and an equations with endogenous variables in the non-stochastic steady state, and other parameters, or numbers: k[ss] / (4 * q[ss]) = 1.5 | δ or α | 4 * q[ss] = δ * k[ss] in this case the target parameter will be solved simultaneaously with the non-stochastic steady state using the equation defined with it.

Optional arguments to be placed between 𝓂 and ex

  • guess [Type: Dict{Symbol, <:Real}, Dict{String, <:Real}}]: Guess for the non-stochastic steady state. The keys must be the variable (and calibrated parameters) names and the values the guesses. Missing values are filled with standard starting values.
  • verbose [Default: false, Type: Bool]: print more information about how the non stochastic steady state is solved
  • silent [Default: false, Type: Bool]: do not print any information
  • symbolic [Default: false, Type: Bool]: try to solve the non stochastic steady state symbolically and fall back to a numerical solution if not possible
  • perturbation_order [Default: 1, Type: Int]: take derivatives only up to the specified order at this stage. In case you want to work with higher order perturbation later on, respective derivatives will be taken at that stage.
  • simplify [Default: true, Type: Bool]: whether to elminiate redundant variables and simplify the non stochastic steady state (NSSS) problem. Setting this to false can speed up the process, but might make it harder to find the NSSS. If the model does not parse at all (at step 1 or 2), setting this option to false might solve it.


using MacroModelling

@model RBC begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC verbose = true begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    α = 0.5
    β = 0.95

@model RBC_calibrated begin
    1  /  c[0] = (β  /  c[1]) * (α * exp(z[1]) * k[0]^(α - 1) + (1 - δ))
    c[0] + k[0] = (1 - δ) * k[-1] + q[0]
    q[0] = exp(z[0]) * k[-1]^α
    z[0] = ρ * z[-1] + std_z * eps_z[x]

@parameters RBC_calibrated verbose = true guess = Dict(:k => 3) begin
    std_z = 0.01
    ρ = 0.2
    δ = 0.02
    k[ss] / q[ss] = 2.5 | α
    β = 0.95

Programmatic model writing

Variables and parameters indexed with curly braces can be either referenced specifically (e.g. c{H}[ss]) or generally (e.g. alpha). If they are referenced generaly the parse assumes all instances (indices) are meant. For example, in a model where alpha has two indices H and F, the expression alpha = 0.3 is interpreted as two expressions: alpha{H} = 0.3 and alpha{F} = 0.3. The same goes for calibration equations.
